Sunday 11 October 2015

Hacking: Information Gathering - Nmap

Information Gathering Nmap & Nessus 

Nmap is a veritable tool-shed of functionality to perform network scans. It can used for security scans, simply to identify what services a host is running, to 'fingerprint' the operating system and applications on a host,the type of firewall a host is using, or to do a quick inventory of a local network.

To show the the lab I am using  VM  connect with Windows XP ( target machine) and Kali Linux (hacker machine)

The main goal of this lab is to cover the following tasks:

-Host discovery
-Scanning for open ports
-Service and version detection
-OS detection

WinXP - IP :
Kali Linux - IP :

Scan Types :

a) nmap ( a single host or subnet eg. /24)

b) nmap -sV (running services & version detection)

c) nmap -O detection)

d) -sT : TCP connect scan
e) -sS : Half open scan - used to bypass firewall rules,logging mechanism and hide as usual network               traffic
f) -sX : Xmas scan send a TCP frame with URG, ACK, RST, SYN and FIN flag
g) -sF : FIN scan send a TCP frame with a FIN flag set.
h) -sN : NULL scan send a TCP packet with NO flag set
i) -f    : The TCP header is split up into several packets so that the packet filters are not able to detect what the packet intend to do,
j) -sU : UDP scan send a 0-byte UDP packet to a PORT
k) -sP : Determine the live hosts from a range of IP addresses by sending ICMP ECHO request to multiple hosts.
l ) Outputting Logs :-
     -oN : outputs a human readable log - Plain text (eg : nmap -v -oN normal.nmap)
     -oX : outputs an XML Log
     -oG : outputs a grepable log
     -oA : option outputs in all 3 formats with same name

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